

发布日期:2019/11/11 16:45:39   浏览次数:




• 2015-2016 美国南卡罗来纳大学 化学工程系 访问学者

• 2019-至今 77779193永利官网(北京) 77779193永利官网 教授

• 2012-2019 77779193永利官网(北京) 77779193永利官网 副教授

• 2009-2012 77779193永利官网(北京) 77779193永利官网


• 2007.8-2009.6 美国佐治亚理工学院 材料科学与工程系 国家公派博士

• 2003.9-2009.6 77779193永利官网(北京) 77779193永利官网 工学博士

• 1999.9-2003.6 北京化工大学 化学工程学院


• 固体废弃物资源化利用(固体废弃物在水泥、砂浆、混凝土及其他建筑材料中的应用)

• 碱激发胶凝材料

• CO2减排、分离提纯及矿化

• 建筑节能材料、生态环保材料,水处理材料

• 固体废弃物与建筑材料的微结构演变


• 国家重点研发计划:工业及城市大宗固废制备绿色建材关键技术研究与应用(项目编号:2017YFC07032002017-2020,子课题负责人,

• 北京市自然科学基金面上项目:轻质高强低热导加气混凝土砌块的强度发展与导热机制(项目编号:2192047),2019-2021,项目负责人

• 2019年宁夏回族自治区重点研发计划:粉煤灰基地质聚合物制备透水砖技术研发示范(项目编号:2019BFH02023),2019-2020,课题负责人

• 2020年宁夏回族自治区重点研发计划:硅锰合金渣制备生态环境材料关键技术及示范,2020-2021,课题负责人

国家自然科学基金(51002182)、国家自然科学基金(51572293)、自然科学基金委重点基金(50730004)、• 美国能源部固态能源转化联盟(SECA)项目、中国高科技研发863项目(2005AA501050)、科技部国际合作司项目(2009DFA6136)、• 教育部重点基金(106087)、教育部博士点基金(20100023120015


中国硅酸盐学会固废与生态材料分会         事, 秘书长

北京市硅酸盐学会                         副理事长

中国硅酸盐学会青年委员会                  员,副秘书长




1)        Fuzhu Xie, Ze Liu*, Dawang Zhang, Jixiang Wang, Dongmin Wang, Understanding the acting mechanism of NaOH adjusting the transformation of viscoelastic properties of alkali activated phosphorus slag [J]. Construction and Building Materials 257 (2020) 119488. (SCI收录,Itop期刊,4.046)

2)        Fuzhu Xie, Ze Liu*, Dawang Zhang, Jixiang Wang, Dongmin Wang, The effect of NaOH content on rheological properties,microstructures and interfacial characteristic of alkali activated phosphorus slag fresh pastes [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 252 (2020) 119132. (SCI收录,Itop期刊,4.046)

3)        Jixiang WangLe HanZe Liu*, Dongmin Wang, Setting Controlling of Lithium slag-based Geopolymer by Activator and Sodium Tetraborate as a Retarder and its Effects on Mortar Properties[J]. Cement and Concrete Composites, 110 (2020) 103598. (SCI收录,Itop期刊,5.172)

4)        Le Han, Jixiang Wang, Ze Liu*, Yanbo Zhang, Yuxuan Jin, Jiaxing Li, Dongmin Wang, Fly ash based self-supported zeolites by foam geopolymer via saturated steam treatment[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 393 (2020) 122468. (SCI收录,Itop期刊,7.650)

5)        Fuzhu Xie, Ze Liu*, Dawang Zhang, Jixiang Wang, Tianyong Huang, and Dongmin Wang, Reaction kinetics and kinetics models of alkali activated phosphorus slag [J]. Construction and Building Materials 237 (2020) 117728. (SCI收录,Itop期刊,4.046)

6)        Ze Liu*, Li Li, Ning-ning Shao, et al. Geopolymerization enhanced Hydrothermal Synthesis of Analcime from Steel Slag and CFBC Fly Ash and Heavy Metal Adsorption on Analcime[J]. Environmental Technology, 41, (2020) 1753–1765 (SCI收录,IV区,1.918)

7)        Liu, Z. *, Li, S., Li, L., Wang, J., Zhou, Y., & Wang, D. One-step high efficiency crystallization of zeolite A from ultra-fine circulating fluidized bed fly ash by hydrothermal synthesis method [J]. Fuel, 257, (2019) 116043 (SCI收录,Itop期刊,5.128)

8)        Jixiang Wang, Tianyong Huang; Guodong Cheng, Ze Liu*, Siqi Li, Dongmin Wang, Effects of fly ash on the properties and microstructure of alkali-activated FA/BFS repairing mortar [J]. Fuel, 256 (2019):115919 (SCI收录,Itop期刊,5.128)

9)        Ze Liu*, Ji-xiang Wang, Qi-kan Jiang, et al. A green route to sustainable alkali-activated materials by heat and chemical activation of lithium slag [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 225 (2019) 1184-1193. (SCI收录,Itop期刊,6.395)

10)    Ze Liu*, Da-wang Zhang, Li Li, et al. Microstructure and phase evolution of alkali-activated steel slag during early age[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 204: 158-165. (SCI收录,I区,4.046)

11)    Ze Liu*, Ji-xiang Wang, Li Li, et al. Characteristics of alkali-activated lithium slag at the early reaction age [J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2019, 31(12): 04019312. (SCI收录,III区,1.984)

12)    Ze Liu*, Li Li, Ning-ning Shao, et al. Geopolymerization enhanced Hydrothermal Synthesis of Analcime from Steel Slag and CFBC Fly Ash and Heavy Metal Adsorption on Analcime[J]. Environmental Technology, 2018. online(SCI收录,IV区,1.918)

13)    Ning-ning Shao, Yan-bo Zhang, Ze Liu*, Dong-min Wang, Zuo-tai ZhangFabrication of hollow microspheres filled fly ash based foam geopolymers with ultra-low thermal conductivity and relative high strengthConstruction and Building Materials 185 (2018) 567–573(SCI收录,I区,4.046)

14)    Ning-Ning Shao, Ze Liu*, Jian-jun Fan, et al. Phase evolution of fly ash calcium constituent at early alkali activation reaction age, Materials letters, 2016 , 174 :175-179 (SCI收录,III区,3.019)

15)    Ze Liu*, Ning-ning Shao, Jun-feng Qin, et al. Strength and thermal behavior of low weight foam geopolymer using circulating fluidized bed combustion fly ash, Journal of Central South University of Technology, 22 (2015) 3633-3640. (SCI收录)

16)    Ning-Ning Shao, Ze Liu*, Yuan-Yi Xu, et al. Fabrication of hollow microspheres filled fly ash geopolymer composites with excellent strength and low density, Materials letters, 161 (2015) 451-454. (SCI收录,III区,3.019)

17)    Ning-ning Shao, Ze Liu*, Xiao-shuang Wang, et al. Thermal Analysis of PET Fiber reinforced Fly Ash Based Foam Geopolymer, Journal of synthetic crystals, 44 (2015) 2606-2613. (SCI收录)

18)    Ze Liu*, Ning-ning Shao, Tian-yong Huang, et al. Effect of SiO2/Na2O mole ratio on the properties of foam geopolymers fabricated from circulating fluidized bed fly ash, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 21 (2014) 620-626. (SCI收录)

19)    Ze Liu*, Ning-ning Shao, Dong-min Wang, et al. Fabrication and properties of foam geopolymer using circulating fluidized bed combustion fly ash, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 21 (2014) 89-93. (SCI收录)

20)    Ze Liu, Mingfei Liu, Meilin Liu, Fabrication and characterization of functionally-graded LSCF cathodes by tape casting, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38 (2013) 1082-1087. SCI收录)

21)    Ze Liu, Mingfei Liu, Lei Yang, Meilin Liu, LSM-Infiltrated LSCF Cathodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Journal of energy chemistry, 22 (2013) 555-559. SCI收录)

22)    Ze Liu, Ling-zhi Cheng, Min-fang Han, A-site deficient Ba1xCo0.7Fe0.2Ni0.1O3δ cathode for intermediate temperature SOFC, Journal of Power Sources, 196 (2011) 868-871 SCI收录)

23)    Lei Yang, Shizhong Wang, Kevin Blinn, Mingfei Liu, Ze Liu, Zhe Cheng, Meilin Liu, Enhanced Sulfur and Coking Tolerance of a Mixed Ion Conductor for SOFCs: BaZr0.1Ce0.7Y0.2–x YbxO3–d, Science, vol 326 (2009) 126-129 (SCI收录)

24)    Ze Liu, Zi-wei Zheng, Min-fang Han, Mei-lin Liu, High performance solid oxide fuel cells based on tri-layer yttria-stabilized zirconia by low temperature sintering process, Journal of Power Sources, 19520107230-7233SCI收录)

25)    LIU Ze, LEI Ze, SONG Shidong, YU Lian, HAN Minfang, Development of doped zirconia and ceria electrolyte fabricated at low temperature, Progress in Chemistry, 23 (2011) 470-476SCI收录)

26)    Ze Liu, Min-Fang Han, Wen-Ting Miao, Preparation and characterization of graded cathode La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3δ, Journal of Power Sources 173 (2007) 837–841 (SCI收录)

1.        ,金宇玄,韩乐,李丽,王栋民,一种多孔碳负载方沸石复合材料的制备方法,ZL 202010311311.5

2.        王栋民,白亚飞,孙睿,张双成,张明, ,王璜琪,马涛,孙册,一种连续级配铁尾矿砂座浆料组合物及其制备方法与应用,ZL 202010479078.1

3.        王栋民,张明,房奎圳, ,刘虎,崔源声,一种公路路基用水泥稳定碎石层及其制备方法和应用,CN202010641250.9

4.        王栋民,白亚飞,张双成,孙睿,王璜琪, ,吕南,耿丹华,一种铁尾矿砂钢筋连接用套筒灌浆料组合物及制备与应用,ZL 202010477065.0

5.        ,韩乐,张延博,王吉祥,一种酸法锂渣制备的多孔自载沸石材料及其制备方法和应用,ZL 201911368434.6

6.        ,李嘉兴,张延博,王佳璇,一种含高活性贝利特的天然水硬性石灰及其制备方法,ZL 201911368433.1

7.        ,苏壮飞,王栋民,一种天然水硬性石灰消化装置,ZL 201921157006.4

8.        王栋民,姚广,张双成, ,孙睿,吕南,马涛,一种石膏基自流平砂浆,ZL 201910007325.5

9.        ,韩乐,王吉祥,张延博,一种酸法锂渣粉的脱硫方法及其脱硫锂渣粉的应用,ZL 201910858458.3

10.    王栋民,白亚飞,张双成, ,吕南,马涛,王琳琳,王佳璇,一种硅藻泥装饰材料及其制备方法,ZL 201910661167. 5

11.    王栋民,芮雅峰,张双成, ,王琳琳,吕南,马涛,一种瓷砖胶及其制备方法,ZL 201811272847.X

12.    黄天勇,程国东,  ,陈旭峰,一种粉煤灰和矿粉基地聚物快凝型刚性修补砂浆及其制备方法,ZL 201810659855.3

13.    ,李丽,王吉祥,李斯琦,一种锂渣基NaA分子筛的低温制备方法,ZL 201811610136.9

14.    ,王琳琳,王栋民,姜启衎,一种天然水硬性石灰及其制备方法,ZL 201810846163.X

15.    王栋民,王琳琳,张双成, ,芮雅峰,吕南,马涛,一种抹灰砂浆及其制备方法,ZL 201811301727.8

16.    ,徐元义,卢浩,孔凡龙,一种轻质粉煤灰基硅铝酸钠板及其制备方法,CN201510182059.1

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20.    ,孔凡龙,邵宁宁,王春雪,一种玻化微珠-粉煤灰防火保温材料及其制备方法,CN201410471850.X

21.    ,邵宁宁,孔凡龙,王春雪,一种蒸压加气混凝土及其制备方法,CN201410236822.X

1.        ,彭桂云,王栋民,王群英,碱激发材料,中国建材工业出版社,2019.1ISBN 978-7-5160-2434-8

2.        ,固体废弃物制备地质聚合物,中国建材工业出版社,2020.10ISBN 978-7-5160-2964-0

3.        朱效荣, ,蒋 浩,多组分混凝土理论工程应用,科学出版社,2021.5ISBN 978-7-03-068633-6


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