

发布日期:2019/11/06 14:10:43   浏览次数:


曾获深圳市孔雀计划海外高层次人才,获得中国博士后科学基金重点资助(中国博士后派出计划-香港中文大学)(全国120人)。作为第四章主编完成了中国21世纪议程管理中心《非二氧化碳温室气体减排技术发展评估与展望》。发表SCI论文60余篇,申请专利7项。其中近三年以第一/通讯作者发表SCI论文30余篇,其中ACS Editors’ Choice 亮点论文一篇。主持国自然青年基金项目、中国博士后基金重点资助项目、鄂尔多斯市科技重点研发项目子课题等纵向项目5项,横向课题多项。长期担任Advanced Sciences, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Journal of Cleaner Production等环境期刊审稿人。


2016.01-2019.05 Jackson State University,土木与环境工程学院,环境工程,博士

2013.09-2015.12 77779193永利官网(北京),77779193永利官网,环境工程,硕士

2009.09-2013.06 77779193永利官网(北京),77779193永利官网,环境工程,学士


2024.07--至今 77779193永利官网(北京),77779193永利官网, 副教授

2022.04-2024.06  77779193永利官网(北京),77779193永利官网, 讲师

2019.08-2022.04 深圳大学&中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 博士后


Ø 固废:粉煤灰、煤矸石等煤基固废资源化处理处置

Ø 水处理:MOFs环境功能材料的研发及其在水处理中的应用,生物炭吸附材料,光催化等


Ø 污染土壤修复技术与应用(研究生)

Ø 环境监测

Ø 水处理工程1

Ø 实验室安全教育

Ø 环保概论

Ø 文献信息检索与论文写作


24. Su, P.,Huo, Q., Zhang, C., Wang, Z., Qiao, Y. 2024. Synthesis of MIL-53(Fe) implanted carbon spheres derived from resorcinol-formaldehyde resins for fast adsorption of antibiotics: Enhanced adsorption and pH adaptability. Journal of Cleaner Production.

23. Li, Y., Zhang, C., Zhao, G., Su, P.*, Wang, J., Li, Y., ... & Liu, W. (2024). A critical review on antibiotics removal by persulfate-based oxidation: activation methods, catalysts, oxidative species, and degradation routes. Process Safety and Environmental Protection.

22. Lu, W., Zhang, C., Du, Y., Quan, B., Qin, Z., Cheng, K., Niyazi, A. and Su, P.*., 2023. Applications of Nanoadsorbents for the Removal of Fluoride from Water: Recent Advancements and Future Perspectives. Separation & Purification Reviews, pp.1-25.

21. Zhang, L. #, Su, P. #, Wang, Y., Djellabi, R. and Zhao, J., 2023. Synergistic photogeneration of reactive oxygen species by Fe species self-deposited on resorcinol-formaldehyde towards the degradation of phenols under visible light. Chemosphere, p.140620.

20. Su, P., Zhang, C., Liu, Y., Zhang, J., Djellabi, R., Wang, R., Guo, J., Zhang, R., Guo, H., Ding, X. and Liu, X., 2023. Boosting PFOA photocatalytic removal from water using highly adsorptive and sunlight-responsive ZIF67/MIL-100 (Fe) modified C3N4. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, p.110765.

19. Zhang, C., Zhao, G., Jiao, Y., Quan, B., Lu, W., Su, P*., Tang, Y., Wang, J., Wu, M., Xiao, N. and Zhang, Y., 2023. Critical analysis on the transformation and upgrading strategy of Chinese municipal wastewater treatment plants: Towards sustainable water remediation and zero carbon emissions. Science of The Total Environment, p.165201.

18. Yang, B., Jia, C., Sun, G., Quan, B., Zhang, C., Huo, Q. and Su, P.*, 2023. Enhancing the adsorption function of F-by iron and zirconium doped zeolite: Characterization and parameter optimization. Environmental Engineering Research, 28(2).

17. Su, P., Huo, Q., Zhang, J., Zhao, G., Quan, B. and Zhang, C., 2023. Recovery of phosphorus from public toilet press filtrate using Ca-rich fly ash through the formation of hydroxyapatite (HAP). Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances, p.200138.

16. Su, P., Zhang, J., Zhou, Y., Wei, Z., Zhao, S., Yang, B., Zhao, X. and Chen, J., 2023. Efficient photocatalytic production of hydrogen peroxide by Z-scheme resorcinol-formaldehyde resin/g-C3N4 heterostructure under visible light. Chemical Engineering Journal, 454, p.140504.

15. Wang, X., Zhang, C., Liu, Z., Quan, B., Lu, W., Li, X., Su, P.*, Tang, Y., Bu, Y. and Zhou, R., 2023. The efficient treatment of pickling wastewater using self-assembled in situ polymerized ceramic membrane with graphene/carbon nanotube/polypyrrole. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology.

14. Su, P., Zhang, J. and Yang, B., 2022. The current status of hazardous waste management in china: Identification, distribution, and treatment. Environmental Engineering Science, 39(1), pp.81-97.

13. Su, P., Gao, X., Zhang, J., Djellabi, R., Yang, B., Wu, Q. and Wen, Z., 2021. Enhancing the adsorption function of biochar by mechanochemical graphitization for organic pollutant removal. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 15, pp.1-12.

12. Yang, B., Jiang, S., Zhang, C., Zhao, G., Wu, M., Xiao, N. and Su, P.*, 2021. Recovery of iron from iron-rich pickling sludge for preparing P-doped polyferric chloride coagulant. Chemosphere, 283, p.131216.

11. Zhang, L., Wang, Y., Su, P.*, Mao, R. and Zhao, J., 2021. Photo-electrocatalytic degradation of chlorinated organics via atomic hydrogen reduction and hydroxyl radical oxidation by Fe and P co-doped carbon aerogel cathode. Journal of Cleaner Production, 298, p.126808.

10. Tang, J., Liu, Z., Lu, W., Wang, L., Zhang, C. and Su, P.*, 2021. Electrochemical degradation of perfluorinated compounds by Ag coated Ti (Ti/Ag) anode: electrode preparation, characterization and application. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 7(2), pp.455-467.

9. Su, P., Zhang, J., Xiao, K., Zhao, S., Djellabi, R., Li, X., Yang, B. and Zhao, X., 2020. C3N4 modified with single layer ZIF67 nanoparticles for efficient photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants under visible light. Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 41(12), pp.1894-1905.

8. Tang, J., Zhang, C., Wang, L., Hu, Y., Su, P.*, Wang, W. and He, X., 2020. Photo-electrocatalytic degradation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxane by ZnO-coated aluminum anode: Optimal parameters, kinetics, and reaction pathways. Science of the Total Environment, 733, p.139246.

7. Su, P., Liu, Y., Zhang, J., Chen, C., Yang, B., Zhang, C. and Zhao, X., 2020. Pb-based perovskite solar cells and the underlying pollution behind clean energy: Dynamic leaching of toxic substances from discarded perovskite solar cells. The journal of physical chemistry letters, 11(8), pp.2812-2817.

6. Su, P.*, Zhang, J. and Li, Y., 2020. Chemical fixation of toxic metals in stainless steel pickling residue by Na2S∙ xH2O, FeSO4∙ 6H2O and phosphoric acid for beneficial uses. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 90, pp.364-374.

5. Zhang, Y.#, Su, P.#, Weathersby, D., Zhang, Q., Zheng, J., Fan, R., Zhang, J. and Dai, Q., 2020. Synthesis of γ-Fe2O3-ZnO-biochar nanocomposites for Rhodamine B removal. Applied Surface Science, 501, p.144217.

4. Su, P., Zhang, J., Tang, J. and Zhang, C., 2019. Preparation of nitric acid modified powder activated carbon to remove trace amount of Ni (II) in aqueous solution. Water Science and Technology, 80(1), pp.86-97.

3. Su, P.*, Zhang, J. and Li, Y., 2019. Solidification/stabilization of stainless steel pickling residue with aluminum potassium sulfate amended fly ash. Journal of Cleaner Production, 234, pp.400-409.

2. Su, P., Li, Y., Zhang, J. and Li, Y., 2019. Characterization and chemical fixation of stainless steel pickling residue using sodium sulfide hydrate. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26, pp.10240-10250.

1. Su, P.*, Zhang, J. and Li, Y., 2019. Investigation of chemical associations and leaching behavior of heavy metals in sodium sulfide hydrate stabilized stainless steel pickling sludge. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 123, pp.79-86.


Ø 第二届土壤与矿山生态修复科技交流暨产业博览会学术委员会副主任、研究生论坛召集人

Ø Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 青年编委

Ø Eco-Environment & Health(即时IF=15)青年编委

Ø ToxicsIF=4.6)特刊编辑

Ø 《当代化工研究》、《三峡生态环境监测》等期刊编委。

联系方式:supd2018@126.com, supeidong@cumtb.edu.cn


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