
An Invitation Letter for the First China Green Mine International Annual Conference

发布日期:2024/01/08 14:57:22   浏览次数:

Dear Sir/Madam,

In order to give full play to the advantages of The United Nations Special Consultative Status of ZHONGGUANCUN Green Mine Industry Alliance (ZGMIA), to tell the story of green mine in the international arena, the ZGMIA and China ENFI Engineering Corporation, China University of Mining and Technology, and China University of Mining & Technology (Beijing)  established  The Academic  Committee  of China  Green  Mine International Annual Conference, and hold "The First China Green Mine International Annual Conference" in Beijing from January 19 to 21, 2024 (see the attachment for the list of academic committee and organizing committee). We would like to invite you to attend the conference and report

on the exchange at the conference!

1. Organizational Units

(1) Organizer:

ZHONGGUANCUN Green Mine Industry Alliance

China ENFI Engineering Corporation

(2) Co-Organizer:

China University of Mining and Technology

China University of Mining & Technology, Beijing

(3) Supporting Units:

Secretariat of the Silk Road Mining Cooperation Forum

Shuai  Cao's  Group, School of  Civil and Resource Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing, China.

Shanxi Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Co., Ltd.

Weifang Tianjie Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.

Guangzhou Longyue Environmental Protection Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.

China Construction Beiyu Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.

Wuhan Shijijingsheng Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.

CCTEG Shenyang Engineering Company

(4) Media Support:

China Environmental News,  China Mining News,  China Natural Resources News, Intercontinental Mine, The Journal of Sustainable Mining and Metallurgy, The Journal of Green Mine, The Journal of Conservation and Utilization of Mineral Resources, The Journal of Industrial Minerals

& Processing, and Science and Mining Network.

(5) Legal Support Units

Beijing Yuren Law Firm and Shuren Law Firm.

2. Time and Place of Conference

(1) Time of Conference:

January 19-21, 2024.

(2) Place of Conference:

Beijing Huanghe Jingdu Conference Center, Taipingzhuang Middle Street, Dongxiaokou Town, Changping District, Beijing, China.

3. Participants

(1) Universities, Research Institutes, and Mining Enterprises.

(2) ZGMIA Member Units, Special Commissioners for Science and Technology of ZGMIA, Green Mine Youth Science and Technology Award Winners, Green Mine Outstanding Contribution Award Winners, and Top

Ten Postgraduate Student Thesis Award Winners.

 (3)  International  Experts  and  Scholars,  Embassy Personnels, and International Students.

 (4) Green Mine Advanced Applicable Equipment and Intelligent Mine System Manufacturers. 

4. Conference Core Content

(1) Thriving ZGMIA

a. ZHONGGUANCUN Green Mine Industry Alliance Work Report

b. Special Commissioner for Science and Technology of Green Mine Work Report

c. Thousands of Special Commissioners for Science and Technology of Green Mine Research, Manufacturing, Engineering and Other Cases,

and Excellent Results Release

d. The United Nations Special Consultative Status Related Actives Launch

e.  The  United  Nations  Consultative  Experts  of  Green  Mine  List Release

f. Green Mine Think Tank Expert Supplement List Release

g. ZGMIA Annual Appreciation List

(2) Commendation and Award Presentation

a. 2023 Green Mine Outstanding Contribution Award Presentation

b. Green Mine Youth Science and Technology Award Presentation

c. Top Ten Postgraduate Student Thesis Award Presentation

d.  Excellence  Special  Commissioner  for  Science  and  Technology Commendation

e. Excellence Member Commendation

(3) Forums

a. Academician Invited Report

b. High-level Expert Forum (Academician and Well-known Experts in Industry)

c. Youth Science and Technology Forum

d. International Student Academic Forum

e. Special Commissioner for Science and Technology thematic event

f. ZGMIA Council meeting

5. Conference Arrangement

Time: January 19-21, 2024 (all day Check-in on January 19)

a.  January  19,  2024, 10:00-22:00,  Conference  Check-in;  ZGMIA Council meeting

b. January 20, 2024, 08:30- 18:00, China Green Mine International Annual   Conference   opening    ceremony,   High-level    Expert   Forum, International Student Academic Forum, Special Commissioner for Science

and Technology thematic event

c. January 20, 2024, 08:30- 12:00, 2023 Green Mine  Science  and Technology Award (Outstanding Contribution Award, Green Mine Youth Science  and  Technology  Award,  Top  Ten  Postgraduate  Thesis  Award)

Presentation, Academician Invited Report

6. Contact Information

ZHONGGUANCUN Green Mine Industry Alliance secretariat:

Tel: +86-010-53688356; +86-010-53656625

Contact person:

Shanshan Lv +86 15712878741; Hong Li +86 18311377671

Liyan Fan +86 19803482137; Li Xu +86 13501251452

Sen Yang +86 18600365729; Shuping Lu +86 13641134358

ZHONGGUANCUN Green Mine Industry Alliance

December 12, 2023

Attachment 1:The List of Academic Committee and Organizing Committee

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