
Department of Carbon Storage Science and Engineering

发布日期:2024/07/08 17:37:07   浏览次数:

The Carbon Storage Science and Engineering program is established to address the demand for talent brought about by the new wave of technological revolution and industrial transformation. This program represents a significant practice in the upgrading and transformation of university disciplines and the integration of interdisciplinary fields in the new era. Its aim is to support the national goals of "carbon peaking by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060."

Guided by the goal of building a world-class energy technology university, our school, as one of the four initiating universities, applied for and was approved to offer the Carbon Storage Science and Engineering program. This program is led by the School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, in collaboration with the School of Energy and Mining Engineering, the School of Safety Science and Engineering, the School of Earth Sciences and Geomatics Engineering, the School of Mechanical and Information Engineering, and the School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering. The university will pool superior teaching and research resources to create a strategically emerging program characterized by the integration of science and engineering and interdisciplinary cooperation. The program focuses on green energy development and low-carbon utilization, carbon capture, storage, and utilization (CCUS), carbon accounting, and asset management, aiming to cultivate well-rounded individuals with a strong sense of socialist mission, good scientific spirit and humanistic qualities, solid theoretical foundations, and practical abilities. Graduates will be equipped to engage in scientific research, engineering design, and social management in the field of carbon neutrality, address complex engineering issues in carbon capture, storage, and utilization, and lead the future development of the carbon storage science and engineering field with an emphasis on interdisciplinary integration and international perspectives.

Features of the Carbon Storage Science and Engineering Program:

1. Interdisciplinary Integration of Advantageous Disciplines: The Carbon Storage Science and Engineering program leverages the "Mining Engineering" and "Safety Science and Engineering" disciplines, both of which are part of the "Double First-Class" initiative. By upgrading and transforming the university's traditional strengths in energy extraction, processing, conversion, and utilization, and integrating multiple fields, the program maximizes the synergistic advantages of mining engineering, chemical engineering and technology, environmental science and engineering, geological resources and geological engineering, mechanics, civil engineering, and safety science and engineering. Through a comprehensive mentoring system, deep industry-academia integration, and international joint training, the program aims to cultivate high-caliber, high-quality, and high-demand talents in the carbon storage field.

2. Internationalized Interdisciplinary Talent Training Model: Based on the Double First-Class discipline construction and the "Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage" discipline innovation and intelligence base, the program has established the "Undergraduate Elite International Class" project. This project funds selected international class students to study and exchange at overseas universities, with the option to pursue integrated undergraduate and doctoral training, thereby enhancing the comprehensiveness and innovation of talent cultivation in the carbon storage science and engineering field and ensuring the development of top-notch interdisciplinary talents.

3. Strong Foundation, Emphasis on Practice, and Innovation: By collaborating with leading enterprises and research institutes in the carbon storage industry domestically and internationally, the program creates an integrated industry-academia-research talent cultivation system, strengthening the ability to practice and solve complex engineering problems. Through lectures by renowned professors, a mentoring system, and innovation projects, the program focuses on cultivating students' innovation and research capabilities. The program includes one national experimental teaching demonstration center, one national engineering practice education center, one Beijing off-campus talent training base, one Beijing experimental teaching demonstration center, and 30 off-campus internship bases, fully meeting the needs for student practice and innovation capability development.

The Carbon Storage Science and Engineering program addresses major national strategic needs and the new wave of technological revolution and industrial transformation. Currently, there are many research institutions in China engaged in carbon storage technology research and innovation, providing ample opportunities for graduates to pursue further studies. Additionally, the program is supported by the university's Double First-Class disciplines, offering multiple master's and doctoral degree programs, with approximately 20% of students annually recommended for exemption to pursue master's or doctoral degrees at our university or other institutions. Graduates have a wide range of employment opportunities, including positions in large energy companies related to the design, construction, operation, and management of carbon storage science and engineering; research and management roles in energy, mining, power, steel, and environmental protection companies focusing on carbon reduction; roles in carbon reduction, carbon trading, and carbon asset management.

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